New England and The South in the 17th Century

I. New England - High life expectancies, strong sense of families

  A. Puritans

  • Salem Witch Trials - Mostly women accused. Undermines clergy. The whole thing makes people question the church
  • Halfway Covenant - People that are halfway commited to church are given partial rights. This is done because the church is desparate to keep people committed to the church.
   B. Ideas of Democracy
  • Church members can vote
  • Against slavery
  • Lay foundation for conservative values
   C. Puritans establish Harvard, the first college.

II. The South
   A. Indentured Servants
  • People who work for a set number of years to pay for passage to America.
  • Plantation owners get cheap labor and 50 acres of land.
  • This land was initially meant to be given to the servant, but that soon changed and the plantation owners would keep it.
   B. Bacon's Rebellion
  • Non-wealthy men lead rebellion.
  • Rebellion is eventually put down by government.
  • Government realizes that indentured servants could be dangerous.
   A. African Slaves
  • Replace indentured servants after the government became afraid of indentured servants as a result of Bacon's Rebellion.