Pilgrims at Plymouth Rock + Massachusetts Bay

I. John Calvin

  A. Takes ideas of Martin Luther and advances on them, creating Calvinism.
  • Calvanism - Whether a person goes to Heaven or Hell is predetermined, eliminating guilt.

II. Henry VIII

  A. Henry VIII creates the Anglican Church and makes himself the head.
  • Puritans aim to purify the church. They remove aspects of the Catholic Church from the new Anglican Church.
  • Separatists are the extreme group. They want to remove all aspects of the Catholic Church. The Separatists eventually become the Pilgrims and move to Plymouth Rock by way of the Mayflower.
III. Massachussetts Bay (1629)
 A. Much bigger colony. Consisted of Puritans. John Winthrope creates what he calls a "City upon a hill." He envisions The city as a colling from God for a holy society.
  • Great Migration - 20,000 people move to The Americas from England. (1630s)
  • New principles of Democracy. 2/3 of the people can vote.
  • John Winthrop does not like Democratic ideals. Cares more for church.
  • Anne Hutchinson - Famous dissenter. Disagrees with many ideas of the time. Very well educated. Seen as a heretic and banished. These events in Massachusetts are the basis of The Scarlet Letter, written years later.
  • Roger Williams - Extreme separatist. Friendly with Indians. Establishes Baptist Church and religious freedom. Establishes Rhode Island.
  • Rhode Island - Land is bought from American Indians. Fairly Democratic.

IV. Connecticut
  • Closer Church and State alliance
  • Create first modern Constitution in American History. Government rights given to substantial citizens.